Fedora API Test Suite Summary

for { implementation name: please use --implementation-name to specify } { implementation version: please use --implementation-version to specify}

Req LevelNum PassNum FailNum Skip% Pass

Specification SectionReq LevelResultTest Description
3.1.1-A-1MUSTPASSImplementations must support the creation and management of [LDP] Containers.
3.1.1-A-2MAYPASSImplementations may support the creation and management of [LDP] Direct Containers
3.1.1-A-3MAYPASSImplementations may support the creation and management of [LDP] Indirect Containers
3.1.1-BMUSTPASSLDP Containers must distinguish [containment triples]
3.1.1-CMUSTPASSLDP Containers must distinguish [membership] triples.
3.1.1-DMUSTPASSLDP Containers must distinguish [minimal-container] triples.
3.1.2-AMUSTPASSImplementations MUST allow the membership constant URI to be set via the ldp:membershipResource property of the content RDF on container creation.
3.1.2-BMUSTFAILImplementations MUST set the ldp:membershipResource by default when not specified on creation.
3.1.2-CSHOULDFAILImplementations SHOULD set the ldp:membershipResource to the LDPC by default when not specified on creation.
3.1.2-DMAYPASSImplementations may allow the membership constant URI to be updated by subsequent PUT requests that change the ldp:membershipResource property of the resource content.
3.1.2-EMAYPASSImplementations may allow the membership constant URI to be updated by subsequent PATCH requests that change the ldp:membershipResource property of the resource content.
3.1.2-G-1MUSTPASSImplementations must allow the membership predicate to be set via either the ldp:hasMemberRelation or ldp:isMemberOfRelation property of the content RDF on container creation, or otherwise default to an implementation defined value. Implementations should use the default <> ldp:hasMemberRelation ldp:member
3.1.2-G-2MUSTPASSImplementations must allow the membership predicate to be set via ldp:isMemberOfRelation property of the content RDF on container creation, or otherwise default to an implementation defined value. Implementations should use the default <> ldp:hasMemberRelation ldp:member
3.1.2-HMUSTFAILImplementations must allow the membership predicate to be set by default to an implementation defined value.
3.1.2-ISHOULDFAILImplementations should use the default <> ldp:hasMemberRelation ldp:member
3.1.2-JMAYPASSImplementations may allow the membership predicate to be updated by subsequent PUT requests that change the ldp:hasMemberRelation property of the resource content.
3.1.2-KMAYPASSImplementations may allow the membership predicate to be updated by subsequent PATCH requests that change the ldp:hasMemberRelation property of the resource content.
3.1.2-LMAYPASSImplementations may allow the membership predicate to be updated by subsequent PUT requests that change the ldp:isMemberOfRelation property of the resource content.
3.1.2-MMAYPASSImplementations may allow the membership predicate to be updated by subsequent PATCH requests that change the ldp:isMemberOfRelation property of the resource content.
3.1.3-AMUSTPASSImplementations MUST allow the indirect container's membership constant URI to be set via the ldp:membershipResource property of the content RDF on container creation.
3.1.3-BMUSTFAILImplementations MUST set the indirect container's ldp:membershipResource by default when not specified on creation.
3.1.3-CSHOULDFAILImplementations SHOULD set the indirect container's ldp:membershipResource to the LDPC by default when not specified on creation.
3.1.3-DMAYPASSImplementations may allow the indirect container's membership constant URI to be updated by subsequent PUT requests that change the ldp:membershipResource property of the resource content.
3.1.3-EMAYPASSImplementations may allow the indirect container's membership constant URI to be updated by subsequent PATCH requests that change the ldp:membershipResource property of the resource content.
3.1.3-FMUSTPASSImplementations must allow the membership predicate to be set on indirect containers via either the ldp:hasMemberRelation or ldp:isMemberOfRelation property of the content RDF on container creation.
3.1.3-GMUSTPASSImplementations must allow the membership predicate to be set on indirect containersvia ldp:isMemberOfRelation property of the content RDF on container creation.
3.1.3-HMUSTFAILImplementations must allow the indirect container's membership predicate to be set by default to an implementation defined value.
3.1.3-ISHOULDFAILImplementations should use the default <> ldp:hasMemberRelation ldp:member
3.1.3-JMAYPASSImplementations may allow the membership predicate to be updated by subsequent PUT requests that change the ldp:hasMemberRelation property of the resource content.
3.1.3-KMAYPASSImplementations may allow the membership predicate to be updated by subsequent PATCH requests that change the ldp:hasMemberRelation property of the resource content.
3.1.3-LMAYPASSImplementations may allow the membership predicate to be updated by subsequent PUT requests that change the ldp:isMemberOfRelation property of the resource content.
3.1.3-MMAYPASSImplementations may allow the membership predicate to be updated by subsequent PATCH requests that change the ldp:isMemberOfRelation property of the resource content.
3.1.3-NMUSTPASSImplementations must allow the ldp:insertedContentRelation property to be set via the content RDF on container creation
3.1.3-OMUSTFAILImplementations must allow the ldp:insertedContentRelation property to be set by default to an implementation defined value.
3.1.3-PSHOULDFAILImplementations SHOULD allow the ldp:insertedContentRelation property to be set by default to ldp:MemberSubject.
3.1.3-QMAYPASSImplementations may allow the ldp:insertedContentRelation property to be updated via the content RDF by subsequent PUT requests.
3.1.3-RMAYPASSImplementations may allow the ldp:insertedContentRelation property to be updated via the content RDF by subsequent PATCH requests.
3.1.4-ASHOULDPASSIf, in a successful resource creation request, a Link: rel="type" request header specifies the LDP-NR interaction model (http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#NonRDFSource, regardless of Content-Type: value), then the server should handle subsequent requests to the newly created resource as if it is an LDP-NR. ([LDP] extension)
3.1.4-BSHOULDPASSIf, in a successful resource creation request, a Link: rel="type" request header specifies the LDP-NR interaction model (http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#NonRDFSource, regardless of Content-Type: value), then the server should handle subsequent requests to the newly created resource as if it is an LDP-NR. ([LDP] extension)
3.10.1-AMAYSKIPPEDImplementations may include the X-State-Token header field in GET responses to provide a token representing the current state of resource. If provided, this value must change whenever the underlying state of the resource has changed.
3.10.1-BMAYSKIPPEDImplementations may include the X-State-Token header field in HEAD responses to provide a token representing the current state of resource. If provided, this value must change whenever the underlying state of the resource has changed.
3.10.2-AMUSTSKIPPEDA client may include the X-If-State-Token header field in a PATCH request to make the request conditional on the resource's current state token matching the client's value.
3.10.2-BMAYPASSA client may include the X-If-State-Token header field in a PATCH request to make the request conditional on the resource's current state token matching the client's value. If an implementation does not support state tokens, it may ignore any X-If-State-Token header in HTTP PATCH requests.
3.10.2-CMUSTSKIPPEDA client may include the X-If-State-Token header field in a PATCH request to make the request conditional on the resource's current state token matching the client's value. An HTTP PATCH request that includes an X-If-State-Token header must be rejected with a 412 (Precondition Failed) response if the implementation supports state tokens, but the client-supplied value does not match the resource's current state token.
3.10.2-DMUSTSKIPPEDA client may include the X-If-State-Token header field in a PUT request to make the request conditional on the resource's current state token matching the client's value.
3.10.2-EMAYPASSA client may include the X-If-State-Token header field in a PUT request to make the request conditional on the resource's current state token matching the client's value. If an implementation does not support state tokens, it may ignore any X-If-State-Token header in HTTP PUT requests.
3.10.2-FMUSTSKIPPEDA client may include the X-If-State-Token header field in a PUT request to make the request conditional on the resource's current state token matching the client's value. An HTTP PUT request that includes an X-If-State-Token header must be rejected with a 412 (Precondition Failed) response if the implementation supports state tokens, but the client-supplied value does not match the resource's current state token.
3.2.1-ASHOULDPASSIn addition to the requirements of [LDP], an implementation ... should support the value http://fedora.info/definitions/fcrepo#PreferInboundReferences for the Prefer header when making GET requests on LDPC resources.
3.2.1-BMAYPASSIn addition to the requirements of [LDP], an implementation ... may support the value http://www.w3.org/ns/oa#PreferContainedDescriptions for the Prefer header when making GET requests on LDPC resources.
3.2.2-AMUSTPASSResponses to GET requests that apply a Prefer request header to any LDP-RS must include the Preference-Applied response header as defined in [RFC7240] section 3.
3.2.2-BMUSTPASSWhen a GET request is made to an LDP-RS that describes an associated LDP-NR (3.5 HTTP POST and [LDP],the response must include a Link: rel="describes" header referencing the LDP-NR in question, as defined in [RFC6892].
3.2.3-A-1MUSTPASSTesting for supported digest: md5 . GET requests to any LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230]
3.2.3-A-2MUSTPASSTesting for supported digest: sha . GET requests to any LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230]
3.2.3-A-3MUSTPASSTesting for supported digest: sha-256 . GET requests to any LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230]
3.2.3-BMUSTPASSTesting for two supported digests with no weights GET requests to any LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230]
3.2.3-CMUSTPASSTesting for two supported digests with different weightsGET requests to any LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230]
3.2.3-DMUSTPASSTesting for two supported digests with different weights q=0.3,q=0 GET requests to any LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230]
3.2.3-EMUSTPASSTesting for one supported digest and one unsupported digest.GET requests to any LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230]
3.2.3-FMUSTPASSTesting that unsupported digest is rejected with a 400.GET requests to any LDP-NR must correctly respond to the Want-Digest header defined in [RFC3230].
3.3-AMUSTPASSThe HEAD method is identical to GET except that the server must not return a message-body in the response, as specified in [RFC7231] section 4.3.2.
3.3-BMUSTPASSThe server must send the same Digest header in the response as it would have sent if the request had been a GET (or omit it if it would have been omitted for a GET).
3.3-CSHOULDPASSIn other cases, The server should send the same headers in response to a HEAD request as it would have sent if the request had been a GET, except that the payload headers (defined in [RFC7231] section 3.3) may be omitted.
3.4-AMUSTPASSAny LDPR must support OPTIONS per [LDP] 4.2.8. LDP servers must support the HTTP OPTIONS method.
3.4-BMUSTPASSAny LDPR must support OPTIONS per [LDP] 4.2.8. LDP servers must indicate their support for HTTP Methods by responding to a HTTP OPTIONS request on the LDPR’s URL with the HTTP Method tokens in the HTTP response header Allow.
3.5-AMUSTPASSAny LDPC (except Version Containers (LDPCv)) must support POST ([LDP] 4.2.3 / 5.2.3).
3.5.1-AMUSTPASSAny LDPC must support creation of LDP-NRs on POST ([LDP] may becomes must).
3.5.1-BMUSTPASSOn creation of an LDP-NR, an implementation must create an associated LDP-RS describing that LDP-NR ([LDP] may becomes must).
3.5.1-CMUSTPASSAn HTTP POST request that would create an LDP-NR and includes a Digest header (as described in [RFC3230]) for which the instance-digest in that header does not match that of the new LDP-NR must be rejected with a 409 Conflict response.
3.5.1-DSHOULDPASSAn HTTP POST request that includes an unsupported Digest type (as described in [RFC3230]), should be rejected with a 400 Bad Request response.
3.6-AMAYSKIPPEDImplementations MAY allow the interaction model of an existing resource to be changed by specification of a new LDP type in a rel="type" link in the HTTP Link header
3.6-BSHOULDSKIPPEDWhen accepting a PUT request against an existent resource, an HTTP Link: rel="type" header may be included. If that type is a value in the LDP namespace and is not either a current type of the resource or a subtype of a current type of the resource, the request SHOULD be rejected with a 409 Conflict response.
3.6.1-AMUSTPASSAny LDP-RS must support PUT to update statements that are not server-managed triples (as defined in [LDP] 2). [LDP] and remain in effect.
3.6.1-BMUSTPASSIf an otherwise valid HTTP PUT request is received that attempts to modify resource statements that a server disallows (not ignores per [LDP], the server must fail the request by responding with a 4xx range status code (e.g. 409 Conflict).
3.6.1-CMUSTPASSThe server must provide a corresponding response body containing information about which statements could not be persisted. ([LDP] should becomes must).
3.6.1-DMUSTPASSIn that response, the restrictions causing such a request to fail must be described in a resource indicated by a Link: rel="http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#constrainedBy" response header per [LDP]
3.6.2-AMUSTPASSAny LDP-NR must support PUT to replace the binary content of that resource.
3.6.2-BMUSTPASSAn HTTP PUT request that includes a Digest header (as described in [RFC3230]) for which any instance-digest in that header does not match the instance it describes, must be rejected with a 409 Conflict response.
3.6.2-CSHOULDPASSAn HTTP PUT request that includes an unsupported Digest type (as described in [RFC3230]), should be rejected with a 400 (Bad Request) response.
3.6.3-AMAYPASSImplementations may accept HTTP PUT to create resources
3.6.3-BMAYPASSImplementations may accept HTTP PUT to create non-RDF resources
3.6.3-CMUSTPASSOn creation of an LDP-NR with HTTP PUT, implementations MUST create an associated LDP-RS describing that LDP-NR in the same way that it would when 3.5.1 Creating LDP-NRs with HTTP POST
3.7-AMUSTPASSAny LDP-RS must support PATCH ([LDP] 4.2.7 may becomes must). [sparql11-update] must be an accepted content-type for PATCH.
3.7-BMAYSKIPPEDOther content-types (e.g. [ldpatch]) may be available.
3.7-CMUSTPASSIf an otherwise valid HTTP PATCH request is received that attempts to modify statements to a resource that a server disallows (not ignores per [LDP], the server must fail the request by responding with a 4xx range status code (e.g. 409 Conflict).
3.7-DMUSTPASSThe server must provide a corresponding response body containing information about which statements could not be persisted. ([LDP] should becomes must).
3.7-EMUSTPASSIn that response, the restrictions causing such a request to fail must be described in a resource indicated by a Link: rel="http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#constrainedBy" response header per [LDP]
3.7-FMUSTPASSA successful PATCH request must respond with a 2xx status code; the specific code in the 2xx range may vary according to the response body or request state.
3.7.1MUSTPASSThe server should not allow HTTP PATCH to update an LDPC’s containment triples; if the server receives such a request, it should respond with a 409 (Conflict) status code.
3.7.2MUSTPASSThe server must disallow a PATCH request that would change the LDP interaction model of a resource to a type that is not a subtype of the current resource type. That request must be rejected with a 409 Conflict response.
3.8.1-ASHOULDPASSAn implementation that cannot recurse should not advertise DELETE in response to OPTIONS requests for containers with contained resources.
3.8.1-CMUSTPASSAn implementation must not return a 200 (OK) or 204 (No Content) response unless the entire operation successfully completed.
3.8.1-DMUSTPASSAn implementation must not emit a message that implies the successful DELETE of a resource until the resource has been successfully removed.
3.9-A-1SHOULDPASSFedora servers should support the creation of LDP-NRs with content external to the request entity, as indicated by a link with rel="http://fedora.info/definitions/fcrepo#ExternalContent"
3.9-A-1bSHOULDPASSFedora servers should support the creation of LDP-NRs with content external to the request entity, as indicated by a link with rel="http://fedora.info/definitions/fcrepo#ExternalContent"
3.9-A-2SHOULDPASSFedora servers should support the creation of LDP-NRs with content external to the request entity, as indicated by a link with rel="http://fedora.info/definitions/fcrepo#ExternalContent"
3.9-A-2bSHOULDPASSFedora servers should support the creation of LDP-NRs with content external to the request entity, as indicated by a link with rel="http://fedora.info/definitions/fcrepo#ExternalContent"
3.9-A-3SHOULDPASSFedora servers should support the creation of LDP-NRs with content external to the request entity, as indicated by a link with rel="http://fedora.info/definitions/fcrepo#ExternalContent"
3.9-A-3bSHOULDPASSFedora servers should support the creation of LDP-NRs with content external to the request entity, as indicated by a link with rel="http://fedora.info/definitions/fcrepo#ExternalContent"
3.9-B-1SHOULDPASSFedora servers should support the creation of LDP-NRs with content external to the request entity, as indicated by a link with rel="http://fedora.info/definitions/fcrepo#ExternalContent"
3.9-B-1bSHOULDPASSFedora servers should support the creation of LDP-NRs with content external to the request entity, as indicated by a link with rel="http://fedora.info/definitions/fcrepo#ExternalContent"
3.9-B-2SHOULDPASSFedora servers should support the creation of LDP-NRs with content external to the request entity, as indicated by a link with rel="http://fedora.info/definitions/fcrepo#ExternalContent"
3.9-B-2bSHOULDPASSFedora servers should support the creation of LDP-NRs with content external to the request entity, as indicated by a link with rel="http://fedora.info/definitions/fcrepo#ExternalContent"
3.9-B-3SHOULDPASSFedora servers should support the creation of LDP-NRs with content external to the request entity, as indicated by a link with rel="http://fedora.info/definitions/fcrepo#ExternalContent"
3.9-B-3bSHOULDPASSFedora servers should support the creation of LDP-NRs with content external to the request entity, as indicated by a link with rel="http://fedora.info/definitions/fcrepo#ExternalContent"
3.9-C-1SHOULDPASSFedora servers should support the update of LDP-NRs with content external to the request entity, as indicated by a link with rel="http://fedora.info/definitions/fcrepo#ExternalContent"
3.9-C-1bSHOULDPASSFedora servers should support the update of LDP-NRs with content external to the request entity, as indicated by a link with rel="http://fedora.info/definitions/fcrepo#ExternalContent"
3.9-C-2SHOULDPASSFedora servers should support the update of LDP-NRs with content external to the request entity, as indicated by a link with rel="http://fedora.info/definitions/fcrepo#ExternalContent"
3.9-C-2bSHOULDPASSFedora servers should support the update of LDP-NRs with content external to the request entity, as indicated by a link with rel="http://fedora.info/definitions/fcrepo#ExternalContent"
3.9-C-3SHOULDPASSFedora servers should support the update of LDP-NRs with content external to the request entity, as indicated by a link with rel="http://fedora.info/definitions/fcrepo#ExternalContent"
3.9-C-3bSHOULDPASSFedora servers should support the update of LDP-NRs with content external to the request entity, as indicated by a link with rel="http://fedora.info/definitions/fcrepo#ExternalContent"
3.9-D-1MUSTSKIPPEDFedora servers that do not support the creation of LDP-NRs with content external must reject with a 4xx range status code
3.9-D-2MUSTSKIPPEDFedora servers that do not support the creation of LDP-NRs with content external must describe this restriction in a resource indicated by a rel="http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#constrainedBy" link in the Link response header.
3.9-E-1MUSTPASSFedora servers must use the handling attribute in the external content link to determine how to process the request. At least one of the following handling attributes must be supported: copy, redirect, and/or proxy.
3.9-E-2MUSTPASSFedora servers must reject with a 4xx range status code requests for which the handling attribute is not present or cannot be respected.
3.9-E-3MUSTPASSIn the case that the specified handling cannot be respected, the restrictions causing the request to fail must be described in a resource indicated by a rel="http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#constrainedBy" link in the Link response header.
3.9-F-1MUSTPASSFedora servers must use the value of the type attribute in the external content link as the media type of the external content, if provided.
3.9-F-2MAYPASSFedora servers must use the value of the type attribute in the external content link as the media type of the external content, if provided. If there is no type attribute: Servers may use the media type obtained when accessing the external content via the specified scheme (e.g. the Content-Type header for external content accessed via http).
3.9-F-3MAYPASSFedora servers must use the value of the type attribute in the external content link as the media type of the external content, if provided. If there is no type attribute: Servers may use a default media type.
3.9-F-4MAYPASSFedora servers must use the value of the type attribute in the external content link as the media type of the external content, if provided. If there is no type attribute: Servers may reject the request with a 4xx range status code.
3.9-F-5SHOULDPASSFedora servers must use the value of the type attribute in the external content link as the media type of the external content, if provided. Any Content-Type header in the request should be ignored.
3.9-F-6SHOULDPASSFedora servers must use the value of the type attribute in the external content link as the media type of the external content, if provided. Any Content-Type header in the request should be ignored.
3.9-G-1MUSTPASSA Fedora server receiving requests that would create or update an LDP-NR with content external to the request entity must reject request if it cannot guarantee all of the response headers required by the LDP-NR interaction model in this specification.
3.9.1MUSTPASSFedora servers supporting external content MUST include "Accept-External-Content-Handling" header in response to "OPTIONS" request.
3.9.3-A-1MUSTPASSFedora servers supporting "redirect" external content types MUST correctly respond to the "Want-Digest" header.
3.9.3-A-2MUSTPASSFedora servers supporting "redirect" external content types MUST correctly respond to the "Want-Digest" header.
3.9.3-B-1MUSTPASSA successful response to a GET request for external content with handling of redirect must have status code of either 302 (Found) or 307 (Temporary Redirect)
3.9.3-B-2MUSTPASSA successful response to a HEAD request for external content with handling of redirect must have status code of either 302 (Found) or 307 (Temporary Redirect)
4-AMAYSKIPPEDImplementations may allow a subsequent PUT request with a rel="type" link in the Link header specifying type http://mementoweb.org/ns#OriginalResource to convert an existing LDPR into an LDPRv. If such a conversion from an LDPR to an LDPRv is supported, it must be accompanied by the creation of a version container (LDPCv), as noted above.
4.0-AMUSTPASSWhen an LDPR is created with a rel="type" link in the Link header specifying type http://mementoweb.org/ns#OriginalResource to indicate versioning, it MUST be created as an LDPRv and a version container (LDPCv) MUST be created to contain Memento resources
4.0-BMAYSKIPPEDImplementations MAY allow a subsequent PUT request with a rel="type" link in the Link header specifying type http://mementoweb.org/ns#OriginalResource to convert an existing LDPR into an LDPRv. If such a conversion from an LDPR to an LDPRv is supported, it MUST be accompanied by the creation of a version container (LDPCv), as noted above.
4.1.1-A-1SHOULDPASSIf no LDPRm is appropriate to the Accept-Datetime value, implementations should return a 406 (Unacceptable).
4.1.1-A-2MUSTPASSThe Accept-Datetime header is used to request a past state, exactly as per [RFC7089] section 2.1.1. A successful response must be a 302 (Found) redirect to the appropriate LDPRm.
4.1.1-BMUSTPASSThe response to a GET request on an LDPRv must return a rel="timegate" Link header referencing itself
4.1.1-CMUSTPASSThe response to a GET request on an LDPRv must return a rel="timegate" Link header referencing itself
4.1.1-DMUSTPASSThe response to a GET request on an LDPRv must return a <http://mementoweb.org/ns#OriginalResource>; rel="type" link in the Link header.
4.1.1-EMUSTPASSThe response to a GET request on an LDPRv must return a <http://mementoweb.org/ns#OriginalResource>; rel="type" link in the Link header.
4.1.1-FMUSTPASSThe response to a GET request on an LDPRv must return At least one rel="timemap" link in the Link header referencing an associated LDPCv
4.1.1-GMUSTPASSThe response to a GET request on an LDPRv must return a Vary: Accept-Datetime header, exactly as per [RFC7089] section 2.1.2.
4.1.2-AMUSTPASSMust support PUT for creating new LDPRv
4.1.2-BMUSTPASSMust support PUT for updating existing LDPRvs
4.1.2-CMUSTPASSMust support PUT for creating new LDPNRv
4.1.2-DMUSTPASSMust support PUT for updating existing LDPNRvs
4.2.1-AMUSTPASSLDPR mementos must support GET
4.2.1-BMUSTPASSLDP-NR mementos must support GET
4.2.1-CMUSTPASSTimeGate for an LDP-RS memento is the original versioned LDP-RS
4.2.1-DMUSTPASSTimeGate for an LDP-NR memento is the original versioned LDP-NR
4.2.1-EMUSTPASSAny response to a GET request on an LDP-RS Memento must include a <http://mementoweb.org/ns#Memento>; rel="type" link in the Link header
4.2.1-FMUSTPASSAny response to a GET request on an LDP-NR Memento must include a <http://mementoweb.org/ns#Memento>; rel="type" link in the Link header
4.2.2-AMUSTPASSLDPRm resources must support OPTIONS
4.2.2-BMUSTPASSA response to an OPTIONS request must include Allow: GET, HEAD, OPTIONS
4.2.2-CMAYPASSA response to an OPTIONS request may include Allow: DELETE
4.2.3MUSTPASSAn LDPRm must not support POST
4.2.4MUSTPASSAn LDPRm must not support PUT
4.2.5MUSTPASSAn LDPRm must not support PATCH
4.2.6MUSTPASSLDPRm resources must support DELETE if DELETE is advertised in OPTIONS
4.3MAYSKIPPEDAlthough an LDPCv is both a TimeMap and an LDPC, implementations MAY disallow POST requests.
4.3.1-AMUSTPASSLDPCv must support GET, as is the case for any LDPR
4.3.1-BMUSTPASSLDPCv contain TimeMap type link header.
4.3.1-CMUSTPASSAn LDPCv must respond to GET Accept: application/link-format as indicated in [ RFC7089 ] section 5 and specified in [ RFC6690 ] section 7.3.
4.3.1-DMUSTPASSLDPCv resources must include the Allow header
4.3.1-EMUSTPASSIf an LDPCv supports POST, then it must include the Accept-Post header
4.3.1-FMUSTPASSIf an LDPCv supports PATCH, then it must include the Accept-Patch header
4.3.1-GMUSTPASSAn LDPCv, being a container must have a "Link: <http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#Container>;rel="type""
4.3.2-AMUSTPASSLDPCv (version containers) MUST support OPTIONS.
4.3.2-BMUSTPASSLDPCv's response to an OPTIONS request MUST include "Allow: GET, HEAD, OPTIONS" per LDP
4.3.2-CMAYSKIPPEDLDPCv (version containers) MAY support DELETE.
4.3.2-DMAYSKIPPEDLDPCv (version containers) MAY support PATCH.
4.3.2-EMAYPASSLDPCv (version containers) MAY support POST.
4.3.2-FMUSTPASSIf an LDPCv supports POST, the response to an OPTIONS request MUST include the "Accept-Post" header
4.3.2-GMUSTPASSIf an LDPCv supports PATCH, the response to an OPTIONS request MUST include the "Accept-Patch" header an LDPCv of an LDP-RS supports POST, a POST request that does not contain a Memento-Datetime header should be understood to create a new LDPRm contained by the LDPCv, reflecting the state of the LDPRv at the time of the POST. an LDPCv of an LDP-NR supports POST, a POST request that does not contain a Memento-Datetime header should be understood to create a new LDPRm contained by the LDPCv, reflecting the state of the LDPRv at the time of the POST. an LDPCv of an LDP-RS supports POST, a POST request that does not contain a Memento-Datetime header MUST ignore any request body. an LDPCv of an LDP-NR supports POST, a POST request that does not contain a Memento-Datetime header MUST ignore any request body. an LDPCv supports POST, a POST with a Memento-Datetime header should be understood to create a new LDPRm contained by the LDPCv, with the state given in the request body. If an LDPCv supports POST, a POST with a Memento-Datetime header should be understood to create a new LDPRm contained by the LDPCv, with the datetime given in the Memento-Datetime request header. an implementation does not support one or both of POST cases above, it must respond to such requests with a 4xx range status code and a link to an appropriate constraints document
4.3.4MAYPASSImplementations MAY disallow PUT.
4.3.5MAYPASSImplementations MAY disallow PATCH
4.3.6-AMAYSKIPPEDAn implementation MAY support DELETION of LDPCvs.
4.3.6-BSHOULDPASSAn implementation that does support DELETE should do so by both removing the LDPCv and removing the versioning interaction model from the original LDPRv.
5.0-AMUSTPASSAn authorization may list any number of individual agents (that are being given access) by using the acl:agent predicate
5.0-BMUSTPASSAn authorization may list any number of individual agents (that are being given access) by using the acl:agent predicate.
5.0-C-1MUSTPASSTo give access to a group of agents, use the acl:agentGroup predicate. The object of an agentGroup statement is a link to a Group Listing document. The group members are listed in it, using the vcard:hasMember predicate.
5.0-C-2MUSTPASSTo give access to a group of agents, use the acl:agentGroup predicate. The object of an agentGroup statement is a link with a hash URI to a Group Listing document. The group members are listed in it, using the vcard:hasMember predicate.
5.0-DMUSTPASSTo specify that you're giving a particular mode of access to everyone, you can use acl:agentClass foaf:Agent to denote that you're giving access to the class of all agents (the general public).
5.0-EMUSTPASSTo specify that you're giving a particular mode of access to all authenticated users, you can use acl:agentClass acl:AuthenticatedAgent to denote that you're giving access to the class of all authenticated agents.
5.0-FMUSTPASSThe acl:accessTo predicate specifies which resources you're giving access to, using their URLs as the subjects.
5.0-G-1MUSTPASSacl:Read gives access to a class of operations that can be described as "Read Access". In a typical REST API, this includes access to HTTP verbs HEAD.
5.0-G-2MUSTPASSacl:Read gives access to a class of operations that can be described as "Read Access". In a typical REST API, this includes access to HTTP verbs GET.
5.0-HMUSTPASSacl:Read gives access to a class of operations that can be described as "Read Access". In a typical REST API, this includes access to HTTP verbs GET. Its absence must prevent reads
5.0-IMUSTPASSacl:Write gives access to a class of operations that can modify the resource. In a REST API context, this would include PUT.
5.0-JMUSTPASSacl:Write gives access to a class of operations that can modify the resource. In a REST API context, this would include POST.
5.0-KMUSTPASSacl:Write gives access to a class of operations that can modify the resource. In a REST API context, this would include DELETE
5.0-LMUSTPASSacl:Write gives access to a class of operations that can modify the resource. In a REST API context, this would include PATCH.
5.0-M-1MUSTPASSacl:Write gives access to PUT a resource. When not present, writes should be disallowed.
5.0-M-2MUSTPASSacl:Write gives access to POST a resource. When not present, writes should be disallowed.
5.0-M-3MUSTPASSacl:Write gives access to DELETE a resource. When not present, writes should be disallowed.
5.0-M-4MUSTPASSacl:Write gives access to PATCH a resource. When not present, writes should be disallowed.
5.0-NMUSTPASSacl:Append gives a more limited ability to write to a resource -- Append-Only. This generally includes the HTTP verb POST.
5.0-OMUSTPASSacl:Append gives a more limited ability to write to a resource -- Append-Only. This generally includes the INSERT-only portion of SPARQL-based PATCHes.
5.0-PMUSTPASSacl:Append gives a more limited ability to write to a resource -- Append-Only. This generally includes the HTTP verb POST, although some implementations may also extend this mode to cover non-overwriting PUTs, as well as the INSERT-only portion of SPARQL-based PATCHes. Its absence must prevent append updates.
5.0-QMUSTPASSacl:Control is a special-case access mode that gives an agent the ability to view the ACL of a resource.
5.0-RMUSTPASSacl:Control is a special-case access mode that gives an agent the ability to modify the ACL of a resource.
5.0-SMUSTPASSacl:Control is a special-case access mode that gives an agent the ability to modify the ACL of a resource.
5.0-TMUSTPASSacl:Control is a special-case access mode that gives an agent the ability to view and modify the ACL of a resource. Its absence must prevent viewing the ACL.
5.0-UMUSTPASSacl:Control is a special-case access mode that gives an agent the ability to view and modify the ACL of a resource. Its absence must prevent updating the ACL.
5.0-VMUSTPASSacl:Control is a special-case access mode that gives an agent the ability to view and modify the ACL of a resource. Its absence must prevent updating the ACL.
5.1MUSTPASSAn ACL for a controlled resource on a conforming server must itself be an LDP-RS.
5.2-AMUSTPASSImplementations must inspect the ACL RDF for authorizations. Authorizations are identified by type definition triples of the form authorization_N rdf:type acl:Authorization, where authorization_N is the URI of an authorization.
5.2-BMUSTPASSImplementations must use only statements associated with an authorization in the ACL RDF to determine access, except in the case of acl:agentGroup statements where the group listing document is dereferenced.
5.2-CMUSTPASSImplementations must use only statements associated with an authorization in the ACL RDF to determine access, except in the case of acl:agentGroup statements where the group listing document is dereferenced.
5.2-DMUSTPASSThe authorizations must be examined to see whether they grant the requested access to the controlled resource.
5.2-EMUSTPASSIf none of the authorizations grant the requested access then the request must be denied.
5.3-AMUSTPASSA conforming server must advertise the individual resource ACL for every controlled resource in HTTP responses with a rel="acl" link in the Link header, whether or not the ACL exists.
5.3-BMUSTPASSA conforming server must advertise the individual resource ACL for every controlled resource in HTTP responses with a rel="acl" link in the Link header, whether or not the ACL exists.
5.3-CSHOULDPASSThe ACL resource should be located in the same server as the controlled resource.
5.4-AMAYSKIPPEDA client HTTP POST or PUT request to create a new LDPR may include a rel="acl" link in the Link header referencing an existing LDP-RS to use as the ACL for the new LDPR.
5.4-BMUSTPASSThe server must reject the request and respond with a 4xx or 5xx range status code, such as 409 (Conflict) if it isn't able to create the LDPR with the specified LDP-RS as the ACL. In that response, the restrictions causing the request to fail must be described in a resource indicated by a rel="http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#constrainedBy" link in the Link response header
5.5-AMAYSKIPPEDImplementations may restrict support for ACLs to local resources.
5.5-BMUSTSKIPPEDIf an implementation chooses to reject requests concerning remote ACLs, it must respond with a 4xx range status code.
5.5-CMUSTSKIPPEDIf an implementation chooses to reject requests concerning remote ACLs, it must advertise the restriction with a rel="http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#constrainedBy" link in the Link response header.
5.6-AMAYSKIPPEDImplementations may restrict support for groups of agents to local Group Listing documents.
5.6-BMUSTSKIPPEDIf an implementation chooses to reject requests concerning remote Group Listings, it must respond with a 4xx range status code.
5.6-CMUSTSKIPPEDIf an implementation chooses to reject requests concerning remote Group Listings, it must advertise the restriction with a rel="http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#constrainedBy" link in the Link response header.
5.7.1-AMUSTPASSWhen a client has acl:Append but not acl:Write for an LDP-RS they MUST not DELETE, not PATCH that deletes triples, not PUT on the resource
5.7.1-BMUSTPASSWhen a client has acl:Append but not acl:Write for an LDP-RS and the implementation supports PUT to create they MUST allow the addition of a new child resource.
5.7.1-CSHOULDPASSWhen a client has acl:Append but not acl:Write for an LDP-RS they SHOULD allow a PATCH request that only adds triples.
5.7.2MUSTPASSWhen a client has acl:Append but not acl:Write for an LDPC they MUST allow a POST request.
5.7.3MUSTPASSWhen a client has acl:Append but not acl:Write for an LDP-NR they MUST deny all DELETE, POST, and PUT requests.
5.8-AMUSTFAILWhen an ACL includes an acl:accessToClass statement, it MUST give access to all resources with the specified type, whether that type is client-managed or server-managed
5.8-BMAYSKIPPED Implementations may use inference to infer types not present in a resource's triples or rel="type" links in the Link header
5.9-AMUSTPASSInheritance of ACLs in Fedora implementations is defined by the [SOLIDWEBAC]ACL Inheritance Algorithm and must be reckoned along the [LDP] containment relationships linking controlled resources
5.9-BSHOULDPASSIn the case that the controlled resource is uncontained and has no ACL, or that there is no ACL at any point in the containment hierarchy of the controlled resource, then the server must supply a default ACL.
5.9-CSHOULDPASSThe default ACL resource should be located in the same server (host and port) as the controlled resource.
6.1MUSTPASSFor every resource whose state is changed as a result of an HTTP operation, there MUST be a corresponding notification made available describing that change.
6.2-AMUSTPASSThe notification serialization MUST conform to the [activitystreams-core] specification, and each event MUST contain the IRI of the resource and the event type.
6.2-BSHOULDPASSWherever possible, data SHOULD be expressed using the [activitystreams-vocabulary].