People Directory

People with Personal Spaces

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Kelsey Williamson

kelseyfayesawyer at gmail dot com

Kim Shepherd

kim dot shepherd at gmail dot com

Kirsta Stapelfeldt

kstapelfeldt at utsc dot utoronto dot ca

Kristina Spurgin

kristina dot spurgin at lyrasis dot org

Lalnunpuia Sailo

sailolalnunpuia at gmail dot com

Leobardo Oscar Alcántara Ocaña

leobardo at iteso dot mx


manishsingh dot kumar56 at hotmail dot com

Mark Diggory

mdiggory at atmire dot com

Mark H. Wood

mwood at IUPUI dot Edu

Marshall DuVal

marshall at xsd dot date

Matthew Phillips

m dot e dot phillips at durham dot ac dot uk

Michel Héon

heon dot michel at uqam dot ca

Michelle Futornick

futo at stanford dot edu

Mike Conlon

mconlon at ufl dot edu

Nikhil Singh

nikhil at vit dot in

Ondřej Košarko

kosarko at ufal dot mff dot cuni dot cz

Pablo Prieto

pablop at almat dot com dot mx

Pauline Ward

pauline dot ward at ed dot ac dot uk

Paulo Carvalho

paulolcarvalho at hotmail dot com

Peter Dietz

peter at longsight dot com

Peter MacDonald

pmacdona at hamilton dot edu

Pierre Lasou

pierre dot lasou at bibl dot ulaval dot ca

Ray Lubinsky

rwl at virginia dot edu

Rick Moore

rick at fedora-commons dot org

Ronee Francis

r dot francis at vanderbilt dot edu

Ruchi arora

rarora331 at gmail dot com

Silvia Gutiérrez De la Torre

segutierrez at colmex dot mx

Slimey Cat

duraspace at basith dot com

Srikar Ananthula

ananthulasrikar at gmail dot com

Stephen Bayliss

stephen dot bayliss at acuityunlimited dot co dot uk

Steven Ng

steven at nomadicoder dot com

Stuart Lewis

stuart at stuartlewis dot com

Terrence W Brady

terrywbrady at gmail dot com

Tim Donohue

tim dot donohue at lyrasis dot org

Valorie Hollister

vhollister at duraspace dot org

Àlex Magaz Graça

alexandre dot magaz at udl dot cat

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