Contribute to the DSpace Development Fund

The newly established DSpace Development Fund supports the development of new features prioritized by DSpace Governance. For a list of planned features see the fund wiki page.

Title (Goal)End User - Viewing the details of an archived item
Primary ActorEnd User
Story (A paragraph or two describing what happens)

A student, Sally, is looking for publications in her university's institutional repository to help her with writing her thesis. Using the repository's search and discovery feature, she quickly found several publications which are related to the topic she is researching. When clicking the publication's title in the search results, she is brought to the publication's simple item page. The simple item page consists of the following sections


At the top of the page, the publication's thumbnail is found, together with all information with which the publication can be identified. As such, Sally can immediately determine if this is the paper she is looking for. The summary contains the item's title, authors, publisher and issue date. Also, an overview is given of the different identifiers which are associated with the item.

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  • Name: Simple Item Page - Top Header

Bitstream overview

Below the simple item page's header, an overview is given of the different bitstreams which are associated with the publication. For each bitstream in the overview the file name, description, file type and embargo information are shown. Sally can click the file name of one of the bitstreams which are not under embargo to download it.

About the item

However, before Sally downloads the publication's published version, she reads the abstract, which is shown below the bitstream overview. The item's abstract is shown in its entirety, and thus spans several lines.

Below the item's abstract, Sally is shown the different subject keywords which are associated with an item. They rendered on a single line, all rendered as separate blocks.

Show full item record button

A button is shown, which spans the width of the page, which redirects the user to the full item record page.

License information

Creative Commons License information is shown in the form of an icon. Clicking the item will open a new tab in the user's browser in which the user is redirected to the Creative Commons website.