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The work for Orcid Integration (JSPUI) started at Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

The PRs that address the porting are:

NOTE that both PR contains fix for Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration. (JSPUI and XMLUI)

All concepts and configuration are the same addressed at ORCID Integration (6.x) and ORCID Integration (5.x)

Basically only the look and feel of UI changes, follow the submission form screenshot.

Submission of new DSpace items - Author lookup

After enabling the "authority" consumer and "authorLookup" field on dspace.cfg file the submission search matches on the external ORCID service:

Fill the "Last Name" and "First Name" in the submission form and clicking the icon "Lookup" the lookup perform a search in the ORCID Service and in the internal authority. Clicking on the result list in the box the UI show a "Details" box with additional information. When "authority" value start with "will be generated::" this means that the Author value is not in the internal authority (insolr: false).

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