This is an invitation to take a survey to assist the ARKs-in-the-Open (AITO) project that started at the end of 2018. Since that time we’ve made significant progress, having launched three working groups, a comprehensive ARK FAQ, and a revised ARK specification. We invite you to help us by providing feedback via the brief survey at the link below.

The survey is about a dozen questions long and should take about 10 minutes to complete. The purpose is to help us evaluate ARK community interests, which will be used to guide the formation and direction of our organization. We are asking for your opinions and best estimates to answer the questions (you do not need to provide the exact number of people in your organization, for instance). Those who are not yet assigning ARKs but are interested in doing so in the future are encouraged to participate, as well as those who are current ARK practitioners.  

We promise to keep your responses private, but we ask you to include contact information so that we can follow up with any questions you or we might have regarding the survey results or your thoughts about the project in general.

After collecting demographic information, the survey asks you to rank (from 1=most important to 6=least important) a number of possible directions/activities for AITO. We are not interested in their theoretical importance, but in what would make the most difference to you and/or your organization. 

A follow-up question then asks you which of these efforts your organization would consider supporting by a donation of either time or funds. We ask if you are speaking for yourself or for your organization; if speaking only for yourself, we encourage you to also forward this invitation to someone who can speak for your organization. In all cases, the questions are not asking for commitments at this time.

We thank you for your participation and look forward to hearing what you have to say. Here is the

                     link to the ARKs-in-the-Open survey

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