
Call-in Information

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

To join the online meeting:



(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. William Welling 
  2. Andrew Woods 
  3. Brian Lowe
  4. Benjamin Gross 
  5. Nicolas Dickner (star)
  6. Georgy Litvinov
  7. Ralph O'Flinn
  8. Michel Héon 
  9. Benjamin Kampe
  10. Bruce Herbert  


  1. Open email threads
    1. Error after installation (no MySQL, no attachment)
    2. VIVO 1.11.1: People page is empty (incomplete triples)
  2. Sprint updates
    1. Release blockers:
      1. Needing additional testing/review
          1. vivo-custom-webapp PR-3
      2. Needing to be worked / resolved
    2. Tickets that will hopefully have PRs in the next day or two:
    3. All tickets that are targeted for the i18n Beta must be resolved and merged this week
    4. Merge of `sprint-i18n` to `main` at the beginning of next week (week of Feb 8th)
    5. 1.12 release planning
      1. 1.12 release candidate #1: Feb 15st
        1. Two week RC-1 testing period
        2. For each subsequent RC-2 (if required), adding another two weeks to the schedule
  3. Renaming of vivo-community branches from `master` to `main` (reference)
  4. Potential patch releases?
  5. Tickets that should be close to merge
  6. Post-i18n priorities
    1. VIVO-in-a-box
    2. Ingest / Kafka
    3. Advanced Role Management
    4. Moving Scholars closer to core - next steps

Future topics

  1. Vitro JMS messaging approaches - redux
    1. Which architectural pattern should we take?
    2. What should the body of the messages be?
  2. Renaming of 'master' branch? (ZDNet, BBC)
    1. Guidance from GitHub 
    2. DSpace has done it
    3. Fedora has done it
    4. Samvera is doing it
  3. Incremental development initiatives
    1. Integration test opportunities with the switch to TDB - requires startup/shutdown of external Solr ..via Maven


  1. Status of In-Review tickets


Draft notes in Google-Doc 

All the tickets must be merged in sprint-i18n this week, for merging in main branch next week. Ralph will do the release.

Open email threads

  1. Error after installation (no MySQL, no attachment)
    1. Andrew: looks like this user is using a DB, but should be using a TDB ; so there might be a doc mismatch
    2. Brian: (parsing attachment) looks like two things are loading at the same time. (After discussion, agrees to take care of it.)
  2. VIVO 1.11.1: People page is empty (incomplete triples)
    1. Brian: they’re trying to upgrade to 1.11 ; bug was fixed with Brian’s help, who asked for the user to post the log and fix
    2. Andrew: anything else. Georgy discussed the general delete generator feature in the user channel. Would it be a desired feature?
    3. Brian: there was a really old deletion feature using annotations in the ontologies (?) ; nothing left of it, but traces. It was too low a priority, and too high maintenance.  It would be useful to discuss that feature in the future.

Sprint update

Release blockers

  1. Needing additional testing/review
      1. Andrew: should go though review
      1. Andrew: works for Georgy?
      2. Georgy: yes indeed
      1. Andrew: seems good from a functionality standpoint.
      1. Andrew: seems good from a functionality standpoint.
      2. Ralph wants to review too.
      3. Benjamin: would like to test with overlays ; asks WWelling more details about how the checksum works
      4. William: more infos about how to generate checksum are in comments
      5. Michel: will there be more comprehensive doc? Worries it might cause problems in an install process using many overlays
      6. Ralph: yes, but a move toward VIVO in a box, and greater stability
      7. Andrew: will add doc (in JIRA?) ; but Wiki doc will also be needed.
      8. Andrew : (Answering Georgy’s question for precisions) VIVO still needs to get build by Maven, but once that build is done, you get a war file in one of the target directory ; then you can both point toward the build, or drop a war file in Tomcat (or is it both??).
      9. Ralph: it has been tested ; but any install process needs to get adjusted whenever you upgrade
  2. Needing to be worked / resolved
    1. and
      1. Andrew: can’t ask the community to test without documentation
      2. Ralph: 1762 is in progress, should be done shortly
      3. Andrew: do we know anyone who could help with 1914? This one is critical for a release.
      4. Brian: interested, but busy
      1. Andrew: Matthias is working on this. Might have a resolution this week.
      1. Benjamin Gross: not ready ; there’s a solution that works in 2 situations, but more testing needed ; should be fixed this week.


  1. Bruce: researched Kakfa ; stumbled upon a company that offers Kafka services ( A brief 15 min presentation could be set up.
    1. Andrew: either Dev Call or Data ingest call
    2. Ralph: knows them, might be of interest.
  2. Bruce : are there any thoughts that should be conveyed to Lyrasis on moving forward once Andrew leaves? If so, Bruce can be reached at
